Easter Seals Cardinal Hill

Year 1
With this grant we will facilitate an Adaptive Water Sports Program kickoff event in the southern Kentucky region. It will be based at Pulaski County Park and will feature adaptive water sport recreation activities. We will have inclusive options for our adventure seekers such as sit water skiing as well as leisure activities such as adaptive kayaking. The goal of this program is to provide opportunities in Southern Kentucky for people with paralysis and other disabilities to experience adaptive water activities with their families and support networks. We will host a kickoff event in the spring to introduce the community to our program. After this event, we will offer summer long access via appointment to utilize the adaptive equipment purchased through the grant, making it a sustainable program.
Year 2
Easter Seals Cardinal Hill Adaptive Recreation will create an Adaptive Recreation Educational Program which has two objectives –Objective 1: Present information and activities to individuals in physical rehabilitation settings with spinal cord injuries, mobility limitations or paralysis, their families and support networks. This program will highlight the importance of adaptive recreation for the social, mental and physical well being and increased quality of life. These sessions will include educational hands on experiences where people can try equipment and activities for themselves, as well as hear from community members who lives life to the fullest with a spinal cord injury. Objective 2: Present educational sessions to students on the importance of adaptive recreation and inclusive activities, as well as universities to educate future professionals going into the medical, rehabilitation and education professions of the importance and availability of adaptive recreation for individuals and their support networks.