The Kentucky Inclusive Health Collaborative (KIHC) is under the priority area of health as part of the Human Development Institute (HDI) at the University of Kentucky. HDI is Kentucky’s University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research, and Service. The institute prioritizes supporting inclusive, lifelong opportunities and services for individuals with disabilities, their families, and the community in the following areas: Early Childhood & Education, Leadership & Self Advocacy, Employment, Health, Universal Design & Assistive Technology, and Research & Evaluation.
The Kentucky Inclusive Health Collaborative encompasses multiple grant-funded projects focused on implementing Universal Design principles into health information, resources, and programs. The mission of the collaborative is to ignite positive change to address the significant health disparities experienced by individuals with disabilities and promote successful inclusion and equal health for all. The collaborative supports health professionals and programs to provide services and resources that are accessible and inclusive of all people.
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